DIEP FLap Advocacy

Women's ability to choose tissue based reconstruction is being challenged

Women's ability to choose tissue based reconstruction is being challenged, due to changes in Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) coding rules. Plastic Surgery Northwest & Northwest Breast Center surgeons are at the forefront of advocacy, and are part of the Community Breast Cancer Alliance and its efforts. Please see the links below for additional information.

Updates and Resources

Dr. Christopher Pannucci, a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon at Plastic Surgery Northwest, is just one of the many supporters in the fight for DIEP Flap advocacy.

On the 17th of August 2023, The American Society of Plastic Surgeons published an article titled Beyond survival: Championing women’s rights to tailored post-mastectomy solutions. In it the author delves into recent developments in post-masectomy solutions. Specifically the medical billing alterations and the complications in accessing DIEP flap breast reconstruction surgery.

Dr. Elisabeth Potter with the Community Breast Cancer Alliance

DVT and Pulmonary Embolus in Breast Reconstruction


Download these letter templates to send out as advocacy.



Community Breast Cancer Alliance

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Request a Consultation

If you believe you are a good candidate for DIEP breast recostructive surgery. Fill out our contact form and reach out to us. Make sure to inidcate your preferred form of communication, and a Patient Care Coordinator will reach out soon!

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