Patients’ Rights & Responsibilities

Thank you for choosing Plastic Surgery Northwest/Plastic SurgiCentre (PSC).

The PSC Physicians and staff members are committed to treating patients in a respectful and dignified manner at all times and in accordance with State and Health Safety codes.  Patient’s have the right to be free from abuse, neglect and harassment.  The PSC recognizes patient rights according to its own policies and the procedures of individual insurance plans.  All personnel shall observe these patient rights.  Patients may express satisfaction or dissatisfaction with the PlasticSurgiCentre verbally to any staff member or provider or in writing via the Patient Satisfaction Survey. Patients have the right to a timely complaint resolution.

    Patient Rights

    1. The Plastic SurgiCentre recognizes patient rights according to its own policies and the procedures of the individual insurance plans.
    2. The Plastic SurgiCentre recognizes patient rights in accordance with State and Health Safety codes.
    3. Patient’s may express satisfaction or dissatisfaction with the Plastic SurgiCentre verbally to any staff member or provider or in writing via the Patient Satisfaction Survey.
    4. All personnel shall observe these patient rights.
    5. Patients have the right to be free from abuse, neglect and harassment as outlined by Plastic SurgiCentre Policy 15.4.
    6. Patient’s shall have access to protective services.
    7. Patients have the right to complain about care without denial of care.
    8. Patients have the right to a timely complaint resolution
    9. The Plastic Surgery Northwest Plastic SurgiCentre physicians and staff members are committed to treating patients in a dignified matter that respects their rights.

    The facility and medical staff have adopted the following list of patient rights;

    This shall include but not be limited to the following:

    Each patient has the right to:

    Exercise these rights without being subject to discrimination or reprisal

    1. Receive considerate and respectful care no matter what the sex, culture, economic, educational or religious background or the source(s) of payment for his/her care;
    2. Receive as much information about any proposed procedure as he/she may need in order to give informed consent or to refuse that course. Except in emergencies, this information shall include description of the recommended procedure, alternatives, and the medically significant risks involved with each;
    3. Receive full consideration of privacy regarding his/her surgical care; Examinations and surgeries are confidential and shall be conducted discretely;
    4. Confidential management of all communications and records pertaining to his/her surgical care; His/her written permission shall be obtained before surgical records can be made available to anyone not directly concerned with his/her care;
    5. Information regarding services available at Plastic SurgiCentre and the credentialing process used for providers to gain privileges;
    6. Reasonable continuity of care and to know in advance the time and location of an appointment;
    7. Be informed by his/her physician or a delegate of his/her physician of the continuing healthcare requirements following discharge from the facility;
    8. Leave the facility, even against the advice of his/her physician;
    9. Know which facility rules and policies apply to his/her conduct while he/she is a patient;
    10. Have all patient rights apply to the person who may have legal responsibility to make decisions regarding medical care on behalf of the patient;
    11. Express grievances, concerns or complaints by speaking with his/her physician, a Director, or any staff member by filing a written grievance or complaining to the State Department of Health or Centers for Medicare and Medicaid services (CMS,) office of the Medicare Ombudsmen;

    Please contact one of the following if you have complaints or grievances:

    PlasticSurgiCentre Administrator: 509.623.2160

    HSQA Complaint Intake: PO Box 47857, Olympia, WA, 98504-7857

    Phone: 360.236.4700

    Toll free: 800.633.6828

    Fax: 360.236.2626


    TTY Users dial 711 for the Washington Relay Service.

    Office of Medicare Beneficiary Ombudsmen:

    The Medicare Beneficiary Ombudsman is available to help patients understand their rights, protections and options.

    Medicare Help and Support 1-800-MEDICARE

    State Office of Healthcare Survey,

    Investigation Mgr., PO Box 47852,

    Olympia, WA 98504

    Phone: 360.236.2920


    Patient Responsibilities

    Plastic Surgery Center Northwest and Plastic SurgiCentre (PSC) physicians expect that patients are responsible for cooperating with those providing healthcare services.  The care a patient receives depends partially on the patient him/herself.  Therefore, in addition to these rights, a patient has certain responsibilities as well.

    These responsibilities are presented to the patients in the spirit of mutual trust and respect.

    1. The patient is responsible for providing accurate and complete information concerning his/her present complaints, past medical history, any medications (including over-the-counter products and dietary supplements), any allergies or sensitivities and other matters relating to his/her health.
    2. The patient is responsible for following the plan established by his/her physician, including the instructions of nurses and other healthcare professionals as they carry out the physician’s orders.
    3. Plastic SurgiCenter recognizes patient responsibilities according to the policies of the individual insurance, as communicated directly to patients by their insurance plan in a member services publication.
    4. The patient is responsible for keeping his/her appointments and for notifying the facility or physician when he/she is unavailable to do so
    5. The patient is responsible for making it known whether he/she clearly comprehends the course of his his/her medical treatment and what is expected of him/her.
    6. The patient is responsible for his/her action should he/she did not follow his/her physician’s orders.
    7. The patient is responsible for filling the financial obligations of his/her procedure as promptly as possible.
    8. The patient is responsible for following facility policies and procedures.
    9. The patient is responsible for being considerate of the rights and responsibilities of other patients and facility personnel.
    10. The patient is responsible for being respectful of any person’s personal property in the facility.
    11. The patient is responsible for providing a dependable adult to transport him/her home from the Plastic SurgiCentre and remain with him/her for24 hours, if required by the surgeon.
    12. The patient is responsible for informing the Plastic SurgiCentre about any living will, medical power of attorney or other directive that could affect his/her care.

    Revised May 2023

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